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A Life Full Of Passion

  1 . Life Transformed     Top Home Theatre , TV & Video                              2 Corinthians 5:17          Therefore,if anyone is in christ, he is new           creation;the old has gone;the new has come! Know this   :- God has Erase Our sin and give us a new life. .Underline Where Soul says or does something  .Double Underline if what saul did or said was negative, When Saul Meet Jesus ---- Acts 9:1-25 Saul was uttering treats with every breath and was eager to kill "jesus" Followers. So he went to leaders and asked for their cooperation in the arrest of any followers of the way he found there. 3. As he was approaching Damascus on this mission,  a light from heaven suddenly shone down around him.  4. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying To him , "Saul! Saul! Why are pe rsecuting ? 5. Who are you Lord? Saul asked . And into the city , and you will be told what you must do". with soul stood speech less for they heard th

February 2 , 2022 News

 Today News Feb 2  2022

The Famous Telugu Actor "Chiranjeevi" 


Covid-19 Positive :---

The actor Chiranjeevi has finished 154 movies

He got so many rewards he got padbha bushan Busan...

2 . The 2022 latest movie "Free Guy " That's movie all about a game vs world the movie casts are 

Ryan Reynolds,  Jodie Comer,  Taika Waititi , Dwyane Johnson  , Joy Kerry.  



3 . Micron virus in India That's not any danger to India is it real or fake ?

The covid-19 killed so many people in our country and others
And when the Corona virus is gone we think then there are created 2 other viruses . Black fungus and micron viruses.

Covid Mixed With Micron

Thank you for visiting , 
By your blogger

4 . Jesus is coming again Real or Fake 

The jesus was came really and he born In Jerusalem his mother named Maria Jesus came for erase our punishment.  He died for us the Jesus is really coming back soon . This Corona and people dying is a example of to the Jesus is coming back.....


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